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Grant permission to a service account

Follow these steps to grant access to new service account in App Store Connect:

  • Log in to your App Store Connect account.

  • Navigate to the “Users and Access” section. AppStore Connect. Users and Access

  • Click on the ⊕ icon button to add a new user. AppStore Connect. Add new user

  • Enter account information for the new user, for example:

First Name: ASO
Last Name: Dev
Email: [email protected]

AppStore Connect. New user credentials

  • Assign an appropriate role to the service account.
  • Under “Apps”, select the specific apps you’d like to grant access to the service account.
  • Click “Invite” to send the invitation.

AppStore Connect. Apps

Once the service account has accepted the invitation, it will have access to your app’s data on App Store Connect regarding access role.