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Top apps by category

“Top by Category” in provides a tool for analyzing the leading apps within specific categories on the App Store including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, macOS and visionOS.

  • New Apps: Displays recently released apps that are starting to gain popularity. This is useful for analyzing current trends and identifying emerging competitors.
  • Top Apps: Shows apps that have already achieved leading positions in the category. This helps identify the most successful apps and study their strategies.
  • Free Apps: A list of apps that are available to users at no cost. This helps understand which free apps attract the most users.
  • Paid Apps: Displays apps that users must pay for. This is important for analyzing monetization and understanding which paid apps are in demand.
  • Top Grossing Apps: Shows apps that generate the highest revenue, combining earnings from paid downloads and in-app purchases. This helps assess successful monetization models.
Enlarged view
Top apps Top apps

How It Works

Getting Started

To use the “Top by Category” feature, you need to specify the following parameters:

  • Top or New Apps: Focus on top or new apps in the selected category.
  • App Type: Free, Grossing or Paid: Allows you to analyze different market segments.
  • Platform: iOS, iPad, macOS, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Vision OS: Enables analysis of app performance across different devices.
  • Category: Select a specific category for research, such as “Games,” “Productivity,” or “Health & Fitness,” allowing for a focused analysis of the top apps in that category.
  • Country: Choose the country to analyze the top apps in that location.

Search Results


After selecting the parameters, displays a list of the top-ranking apps based on the chosen criteria.

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App card App card

The data displayed on the app card includes:

  • App icon
  • App position
  • App name
  • Subtitle
  • Publisher
  • Copyright
  • Current rating
  • Number of ratings
  • Number of downloads
  • Revenue data (for grossing apps)
  • Price and availability of in-app subscriptions
  • Bookmark icon button to add to the Competitors list
  • Button with a shield for viewing the app’s keywords through the Spy screen
  • Clicking on the app card will open app information view

This information helps to understand what makes these apps successful in their category.

By using the “Top by Category” feature, developers and marketers can understand the competitive landscape and optimize their strategies for promoting their apps in the App Store.