Charm Pricing
Charm pricing, also known as psychological pricing, is a strategy that involves setting prices just below a round number, like pricing something at $9.99 instead of $10.00. This tactic is based on the perception that such prices represent a discount or a better deal, influenced by the “left-digit bias” where consumers focus more on the left-most digit of a price. Research has shown that charm pricing can be 24% more effective than rounded pricing because it affects the buyers’ perception of the price offered by a retailer. This is particularly true for non-luxury products where customers are looking for a deal.
Rounded Pricing
On the other hand, rounded pricing, which involves setting prices at a whole number like $10.00, tends to be more effective for luxury or premium products. This is because rounded prices convey a sense of quality and luxury, aligning with the brand image of high-end products. Rounded prices are often used by upscale retailers to emphasize these attributes.
The effectiveness of charm pricing versus rounded pricing also depends on the context and the type of purchase. For emotional purchases, rounded prices might be more effective because they encourage reliance on feelings. However, for more cognitive purchases, where the buyer is likely to think more deeply about the price, charm pricing can be more effective due to its perceived value for money.
It’s also important to consider the demographic of the customers. Younger demographics might be less sensitive to charm pricing, as they are more likely to mentally round up the price, whereas older demographics might respond more strongly to charm pricing.
Charm pricing works best in markets with fierce price competition and for items where even a small reduction can seem significant. It’s also commonly used in both physical stores and online retail, particularly in sectors like software as a service (SaaS), where the recurring nature of payments makes even small differences in price seem more significant over time.
In summary, the choice between charm pricing and rounded pricing should be based on the type of product, the target market, and the overall branding strategy of the company. Charm pricing is more suited for non-luxury items where customers are looking for a deal, while rounded pricing aligns better with luxury goods and emotional purchases.
Country ISO Code | Country | Basic | Standard | Premium | Mobile | Basic with ads | Extra Member |
AF | Afghanistan | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
AX | Aland Islands | $8.45 | $12.68 | $16.92 | |||
AL | Albania | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
DZ | Algeria | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
AS | American Samoa | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
AD | Andorra | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $6.34 | ||
AO | Angola | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
AI | Anguilla | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
AQ | Antarctica | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | |||
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
AR | Argentina | $2.00 | $3.71 | $5.43 | $2.00 | ||
AM | Armenia | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
AW | Aruba | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
AU | Australia | $7.05 | $10.90 | $14.74 | $4.48 | $5.12 | |
AT | Austria | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.28 | ||
AZ | Azerbaijan | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
BS | Bahamas | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
BH | Bahrain | $7.99 | $10.49 | $15.79 | |||
BD | Bangladesh | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BB | Barbados | $10.59 | $15.29 | $18.79 | $3.99 | ||
BY | Belarus | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
BE | Belgium | $9.51 | $14.27 | $19.03 | $4.22 | ||
BZ | Belize | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
BJ | Benin | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BM | Bermuda | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
BT | Bhutan | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BO | Bolivia | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
BW | Botswana | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BV | Bouvet Island | $8.21 | $10.06 | $14.67 | |||
BR | Brazil | $5.21 | $8.03 | $11.25 | $3.80 | $2.60 | |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
VG | British Virgin Islands | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
BN | Brunei | $8.99 | $11.99 | $13.99 | $4.99 | ||
BG | Bulgaria | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
BF | Burkina Faso | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BI | Burundi | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
KH | Cambodia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
CM | Cameroon | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
CA | Canada | $7.41 | $12.23 | $15.56 | $4.44 | $5.92 | |
CV | Cape Verde | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BQ | Caribbean Netherlands | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
KY | Cayman Islands | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
CF | Central African Republic | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
TD | Chad | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
CL | Chile | $6.59 | $9.24 | $11.88 | $2.64 | ||
CX | Christmas Island | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
CC | Cocos Islands | $7.05 | $10.90 | $14.74 | $5.12 | ||
CO | Colombia | $4.22 | $6.72 | $9.71 | $2.22 | ||
KM | Comoros | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
CG | Congo (Brazzaville) | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
CD | Congo (Kinshasa) | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
CK | Cook Islands | $7.74 | $11.01 | $14.89 | $4.76 | ||
CR | Costa Rica | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $2.99 | ||
CI | Côte d’Ivoire | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
HR | Croatia | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
CU | Cuba | $7.99 | $10.99 | $13.99 | $2.99 | ||
CW | Curaçao | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
CY | Cyprus | $8.45 | $11.63 | $14.80 | |||
CZ | Czech Republic | $8.65 | $11.25 | $13.86 | $3.43 | ||
DK | Denmark | $11.21 | $16.17 | $21.14 | $5.53 | ||
DJ | Djibouti | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
DM | Dominica | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
DO | Dominican Republic | $4.99 | $7.99 | $10.99 | $2.99 | ||
EC | Ecuador | $4.99 | $7.99 | $10.99 | $2.99 | ||
EG | Egypt | $2.27 | $3.88 | $5.34 | |||
SV | El Salvador | $4.99 | $7.99 | $10.99 | $2.99 | ||
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
ER | Eritrea | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
EE | Estonia | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
SZ | Eswatini | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
ET | Ethiopia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
FK | Falkland Islands | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $7.99 | ||
FO | Faroe Islands | $11.21 | $16.17 | $21.14 | |||
FJ | Fiji | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
FI | Finland | $8.45 | $12.68 | $16.92 | $4.22 | ||
FR | France | $9.51 | $14.27 | $19.03 | $6.34 | $6.34 | |
GF | French Guiana | $9.51 | $13.21 | $16.92 | $6.34 | ||
PF | French Polynesia | $5.28 | $9.51 | $12.68 | $14.80 | ||
TF | French Southern Territories | $8.45 | $12.68 | $16.92 | |||
GA | Gabon | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
GM | Gambia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
GE | Georgia | $9.93 | $12.47 | $14.80 | |||
DE | Germany | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.28 | $5.28 | |
GH | Ghana | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
GI | Gibraltar | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $6.34 | ||
GR | Greece | $8.45 | $11.63 | $14.80 | |||
GL | Greenland | $11.21 | $16.17 | $21.14 | $5.53 | ||
GD | Grenada | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
GP | Guadeloupe | $9.51 | $13.21 | $16.92 | $6.34 | ||
GU | Guam | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
GT | Guatemala | $4.99 | $7.99 | $10.99 | $2.99 | ||
GG | Guernsey | $8.52 | $13.39 | $19.49 | $6.08 | ||
GN | Guinea | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
GW | Guinea-Bissau | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
GY | Guyana | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
HT | Haiti | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
HM | Heard and McDonald Islands | $7.99 | $9.99 | $11.99 | $3.99 | ||
HN | Honduras | $4.99 | $7.99 | $10.99 | $2.99 | ||
HK | Hong Kong | $8.06 | $9.98 | $11.89 | $3.58 | ||
HU | Hungary | $6.75 | $9.47 | $12.18 | $2.69 | ||
IS | Iceland | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $4.22 | ||
IN | India | $2.39 | $6.00 | $7.80 | $1.79 | ||
ID | Indonesia | $4.20 | $7.76 | $12.03 | $3.49 | ||
IR | Iran | $7.99 | $9.99 | $11.99 | |||
IQ | Iraq | $3.99 | $7.99 | $11.99 | |||
IE | Ireland | $9.51 | $15.86 | $22.20 | $5.28 | ||
IM | Isle of Man | $8.52 | $13.39 | $19.49 | $6.08 | ||
IL | Israel | $8.61 | $14.37 | $18.30 | $4.42 | ||
IT | Italy | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.81 | $5.28 | |
JM | Jamaica | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
JP | Japan | $6.64 | $9.99 | $13.28 | $5.30 | ||
JE | Jersey | $8.52 | $13.39 | $19.49 | $6.08 | ||
JO | Jordan | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
KZ | Kazakhstan | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
KE | Kenya | $2.03 | $4.74 | $7.45 | $1.35 | ||
KI | Kiribati | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
KW | Kuwait | $7.99 | $9.99 | $14.99 | |||
KG | Kyrgyzstan | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
LA | Laos | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
LV | Latvia | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
LB | Lebanon | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
LS | Lesotho | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
LR | Liberia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
LY | Libya | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
LI | Liechtenstein | $13.02 | $20.68 | $27.25 | $6.46 | ||
LT | Lithuania | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
LU | Luxembourg | $9.51 | $14.27 | $19.03 | $4.22 | ||
MO | Macau | $7.99 | $9.99 | $11.99 | |||
MG | Madagascar | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
MW | Malawi | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
MY | Malaysia | $5.97 | $9.59 | $11.73 | $3.62 | $2.77 | |
MV | Maldives | $8.99 | $11.99 | $13.99 | $4.99 | ||
ML | Mali | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
MT | Malta | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.28 | ||
MH | Marshall Islands | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | |||
MQ | Martinique | $9.51 | $13.21 | $16.92 | $6.34 | ||
MR | Mauritania | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
MU | Mauritius | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
YT | Mayotte | $9.51 | $13.21 | $16.92 | $6.34 | ||
MX | Mexico | $7.95 | $12.52 | $17.10 | $5.66 | $3.95 | |
FM | Micronesia | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
MD | Moldova | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
MC | Monaco | $9.51 | $14.27 | $19.03 | $6.34 | ||
MN | Mongolia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
ME | Montenegro | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
MS | Montserrat | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
MA | Morocco | $3.42 | $6.35 | $9.27 | |||
MZ | Mozambique | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
MM | Myanmar | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
NA | Namibia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
NR | Nauru | $8.99 | $11.99 | $13.99 | $4.99 | ||
NP | Nepal | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
NL | Netherlands | $8.45 | $12.68 | $16.92 | $4.22 | ||
NC | New Caledonia | $8.99 | $11.99 | $13.99 | $4.99 | ||
NZ | New Zealand | $7.74 | $11.01 | $14.89 | $4.76 | ||
NI | Nicaragua | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
NE | Niger | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
NG | Nigeria | $3.70 | $4.59 | $5.61 | $1.53 | ||
NU | Niue | $7.74 | $11.01 | $14.89 | $4.76 | ||
NF | Norfolk Island | $7.05 | $10.90 | $14.74 | $5.12 | ||
MK | North Macedonia | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
NO | Norway | $8.21 | $10.06 | $14.67 | $3.60 | ||
OM | Oman | $8.39 | $10.49 | $15.79 | |||
PK | Pakistan | $1.54 | $2.74 | $3.77 | $0.86 | ||
PW | Palau | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
PS | Palestine | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
PA | Panama | $4.99 | $8.99 | $12.99 | $2.99 | ||
PG | Papua New Guinea | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
PY | Paraguay | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
PE | Peru | $6.61 | $9.26 | $11.92 | $2.10 | ||
PH | Philippines | $4.37 | $7.01 | $9.64 | $2.62 | $2.62 | |
PN | Pitcairn Islands | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
PL | Poland | $6.66 | $9.88 | $13.79 | $2.30 | ||
PT | Portugal | $8.45 | $12.68 | $16.92 | $4.22 | ||
PR | Puerto Rico | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
QA | Qatar | $7.99 | $9.99 | $14.99 | |||
RE | Réunion | $9.51 | $13.21 | $16.92 | $6.34 | ||
RO | Romania | $5.28 | $10.57 | $12.68 | $3.16 | ||
RU | Russia * | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | |||
RW | Rwanda | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
WS | Samoa | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
SM | San Marino | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.28 | ||
ST | São Tomé and Príncipe | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
SA | Saudi Arabia | $8.53 | $11.46 | $16.26 | |||
SN | Senegal | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
RS | Serbia | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
SC | Seychelles | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
SL | Sierra Leone | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
SG | Singapore | $9.48 | $12.77 | $16.06 | $5.10 | ||
SX | Sint Maarten | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
SK | Slovakia | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
SI | Slovenia | $5.28 | $8.45 | $10.57 | |||
SB | Solomon Islands | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
SO | Somalia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
ZA | South Africa | $5.23 | $8.40 | $10.51 | $2.59 | ||
GS | South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands | $7.99 | $9.99 | $11.99 | |||
KR | South Korea | $7.04 | $10.00 | $12.60 | $4.07 | ||
SS | South Sudan | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
ES | Spain | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.81 | $6.34 | |
LK | Sri Lanka | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
BL | St. Barthélemy | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
SH | St. Helena | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
KN | St. Kitts and Nevis | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
LC | St. Lucia | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
MF | St. Martin | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
PM | St. Pierre and Miquelon | $9.51 | $14.27 | $19.03 | $6.34 | ||
VC | St. Vincent and Grenadines | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
SD | Sudan | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
SR | Suriname | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | $8.21 | $10.06 | $14.67 | |||
SE | Sweden | $8.93 | $11.64 | $16.15 | $4.42 | ||
CH | Switzerland | $13.02 | $20.68 | $27.25 | $6.46 | ||
TW | Taiwan | $8.38 | $10.24 | $12.10 | $3.10 | ||
TJ | Tajikistan | $9.93 | $12.47 | $14.80 | |||
TZ | Tanzania | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
TH | Thailand | $4.64 | $9.59 | $11.51 | $2.72 | $2.72 | |
TL | Timor-Leste | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
TG | Togo | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
TK | Tokelau | $7.74 | $11.01 | $14.89 | $4.76 | ||
TO | Tonga | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
TN | Tunisia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
TR | Turkey | $2.35 | $3.60 | $4.81 | |||
TM | Turkmenistan | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
TV | Tuvalu | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
UM | U.S. Outlying Islands | $7.99 | $9.99 | $11.99 | $3.99 | ||
VI | U.S. Virgin Islands | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $7.99 | ||
UG | Uganda | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
UA | Ukraine | $5.28 | $7.92 | $10.57 | $3.16 | ||
AE | United Arab Emirates | $7.90 | $10.62 | $15.25 | |||
GB | United Kingdom | $8.52 | $13.39 | $19.49 | $6.08 | $6.08 | |
US | United States | $9.99 | $15.49 | $19.99 | $6.99 | $7.99 | |
UY | Uruguay | $8.99 | $12.99 | $15.99 | $3.99 | ||
UZ | Uzbekistan | $8.45 | $10.57 | $12.68 | |||
VU | Vanuatu | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
VA | Vatican City | $8.45 | $13.74 | $19.03 | $5.28 | ||
VE | Venezuela | $3.99 | $5.99 | $7.99 | $2.99 | ||
VN | Vietnam | $4.42 | $9.00 | $10.64 | $2.86 | ||
WF | Wallis and Futuna | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
EH | Western Sahara | $7.99 | $9.99 | $11.99 | |||
YE | Yemen | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | |||
ZM | Zambia | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 | ||
ZW | Zimbabwe | $3.99 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $2.99 |
Country ISO Code | Country | Price |
AF | Afghanistan | |
AX | Aland Islands | |
AL | Albania | 6.06 |
DZ | Algeria | 4.99 |
AS | American Samoa | |
AD | Andorra | 12.12 |
AO | Angola | 2.99 |
AI | Anguilla | |
AQ | Antarctica | |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 5.99 |
AR | Argentina | 2.19 |
AM | Armenia | 4.99 |
AW | Aruba | |
AU | Australia | 8.64 |
AT | Austria | 12.12 |
PT | Azores | 7.71 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 4.99 |
BS | Bahamas | 5.99 |
BH | Bahrain | 4.99 |
BD | Bangladesh | 1.84 |
ES | Balearic Islands | 11.03 |
BB | Barbados | 5.99 |
BY | Belarus | 4.99 |
BE | Belgium | 12.12 |
BZ | Belize | 5.99 |
BJ | Benin | 2.99 |
BM | Bermuda | |
BT | Bhutan | 2.99 |
BO | Bolivia | 5.99 |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 6.06 |
BW | Botswana | 2.99 |
BV | Bouvet Island | |
BR | Brazil | 4.63 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | |
VG | British Virgin Islands | |
BN | Brunei | 6.99 |
BG | Bulgaria | 5.62 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 2.99 |
BI | Burundi | 2.99 |
KH | Cambodia | 2.99 |
CM | Cameroon | 2.99 |
CA | Canada | 8.31 |
CV | Cape Verde | 2.99 |
BQ | Caribbean Netherlands | |
KY | Cayman Islands | |
CF | Central African Republic | |
EA | Ceuta | 11.03 |
TD | Chad | 2.99 |
CL | Chile | 5.48 |
CX | Christmas Island | |
CC | Cocos Islands | |
CO | Colombia | 4.29 |
KM | Comoros | 2.99 |
CG | Congo (Brazzaville) | 2.99 |
CD | Congo (Kinshasa) | |
CK | Cook Islands | |
CR | Costa Rica | 6.49 |
CI | Côte d’Ivoire | 2.99 |
HR | Croatia | 7.16 |
CU | Cuba | |
CW | Curaçao | 5.99 |
CY | Cyprus | 8.82 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 6.61 |
DK | Denmark | 16.11 |
DJ | Djibouti | 2.99 |
DM | Dominica | 5.99 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 5.99 |
EC | Ecuador | 6.49 |
EG | Egypt | 1.62 |
SV | El Salvador | 5.99 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 2.99 |
ER | Eritrea | |
EE | Estonia | 8.82 |
SZ | Eswatini | 2.99 |
ET | Ethiopia | 2.99 |
FK | Falkland Islands | |
FO | Faroe Islands | |
FJ | Fiji | 4.99 |
FI | Finland | 13.23 |
FR | France | 12.12 |
GF | French Guiana | |
PF | French Polynesia | |
TF | French Southern Territories | |
GA | Gabon | 2.99 |
GM | Gambia | 2.99 |
GE | Georgia | 4.99 |
DE | Germany | 11.03 |
GH | Ghana | 2.99 |
GI | Gibraltar | |
GR | Greece | 8.82 |
GL | Greenland | |
GD | Grenada | 5.99 |
GP | Guadeloupe | |
GU | Guam | |
GT | Guatemala | 6.49 |
GG | Guernsey | |
GN | Guinea | 2.99 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 2.99 |
GY | Guyana | 5.99 |
HT | Haiti | 2.99 |
HM | Heard and McDonald Islands | |
HN | Honduras | 5.99 |
HK | Hong Kong | 8.72 |
HU | Hungary | 5.50 |
IS | Iceland | 13.23 |
IN | India | 1.45 |
ID | Indonesia | 3.64 |
IR | Iran | |
IQ | Iraq | 3.44 |
IE | Ireland | 12.12 |
IM | Isle of Man | |
IL | Israel | 5.91 |
IT | Italy | 12.12 |
JM | Jamaica | 5.99 |
JP | Japan | 6.94 |
JE | Jersey | |
JO | Jordan | 4.99 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 4.99 |
KE | Kenya | 2.99 |
KI | Kiribati | 7.97 |
XK | Kosovo | 6.06 |
KW | Kuwait | 4.99 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 4.99 |
LA | Laos | 2.99 |
LV | Latvia | 8.82 |
LB | Lebanon | 4.99 |
LS | Lesotho | 2.99 |
LR | Liberia | 2.99 |
LY | Libya | 2.99 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 14.87 |
LT | Lithuania | 8.82 |
LU | Luxembourg | 12.12 |
MO | Macau | 6.99 |
MG | Madagascar | 2.99 |
PT | Madeira | 7.71 |
MW | Malawi | 2.99 |
MY | Malaysia | 3.49 |
MV | Maldives | 4.99 |
ML | Mali | 2.99 |
MT | Malta | 8.82 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 9.99 |
MQ | Martinique | |
MR | Mauritania | 2.99 |
MU | Mauritius | 2.99 |
YT | Mayotte | |
MX | Mexico | 7.73 |
FM | Micronesia | 4.99 |
MD | Moldova | 4.99 |
MC | Monaco | 12.12 |
MN | Mongolia | 4.99 |
ME | Montenegro | 6.06 |
MS | Montserrat | |
MA | Morocco | 4.99 |
MZ | Mozambique | 2.99 |
MM | Myanmar | |
NA | Namibia | 2.99 |
NR | Nauru | 7.97 |
NP | Nepal | 2.99 |
NL | Netherlands | 12.12 |
NC | New Caledonia | |
NZ | New Zealand | 10.47 |
NI | Nicaragua | 5.99 |
NE | Niger | 2.99 |
NG | Nigeria | 2.19 |
NU | Niue | |
NF | Norfolk Island | |
MK | North Macedonia | 6.06 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | |
NO | Norway | 12.65 |
OM | Oman | 4.99 |
PK | Pakistan | 1.04 |
PW | Palau | 9.99 |
PS | Palestine | 4.99 |
PA | Panama | 5.99 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 4.99 |
PY | Paraguay | 5.99 |
PE | Peru | 5.83 |
PH | Philippines | 2.71 |
PN | Pitcairn Islands | |
PL | Poland | 4.99 |
PT | Portugal | 8.82 |
PR | Puerto Rico | |
QA | Qatar | 4.99 |
RE | Réunion | |
RO | Romania | 5.50 |
RU | Russia * | 2.38 |
RW | Rwanda | 2.99 |
WS | Samoa | 4.99 |
SM | San Marino | 12.12 |
ST | São Tomé and Príncipe | 2.99 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 5.33 |
SN | Senegal | 2.99 |
RS | Serbia | 6.06 |
SC | Seychelles | 4.99 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 2.99 |
SG | Singapore | 8.25 |
SX | Sint Maarten | |
SK | Slovakia | 7.16 |
SI | Slovenia | 7.16 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 4.99 |
SO | Somalia | |
ZA | South Africa | 4.01 |
KR | South Korea | 8.56 |
SS | South Sudan | |
ES | Spain | 12.12 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 1.61 |
BL | St. Barthélemy | |
SH | St. Helena | |
KN | St. Kitts and Nevis | 5.99 |
LC | St. Lucia | 5.99 |
MF | St. Martin | |
PM | St. Pierre and Miquelon | |
VC | St. Vincent and Grenadines | 5.99 |
SD | Sudan | |
SR | Suriname | 5.99 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | |
SE | Sweden | 11.28 |
CH | Switzerland | 14.87 |
TW | Taiwan | 4.40 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 4.99 |
TZ | Tanzania | 3.00 |
TH | Thailand | 4.11 |
TL | Timor-Leste | 4.99 |
TG | Togo | 2.99 |
TK | Tokelau | |
TO | Tonga | 4.99 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 5.99 |
TN | Tunisia | 4.06 |
TR | Turkey | 1.48 |
TM | Turkmenistan | |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
TV | Tuvalu | 7.97 |
UM | U.S. Outlying Islands | |
VI | U.S. Virgin Islands | |
UG | Uganda | 2.77 |
UA | Ukraine | 4.99 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 5.44 |
GB | United Kingdom | 14.12 |
US | United States | 10.99 |
UY | Uruguay | 7.99 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 4.99 |
VU | Vanuatu | 4.99 |
VA | Vatican City | |
VE | Venezuela | 5.99 |
VN | Vietnam | 2.49 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | |
EH | Western Sahara | |
YE | Yemen | |
ZM | Zambia | 2.99 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 2.99 |
Big Mac
Country ISO Code | Country | Price |
AF | Afghanistan | |
AX | Aland Islands | |
AL | Albania | |
DZ | Algeria | |
AS | American Samoa | |
AD | Andorra | 4.77 |
AO | Angola | |
AI | Anguilla | |
AQ | Antarctica | |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | |
AR | Argentina | 4.57 |
AM | Armenia | |
AW | Aruba | |
AU | Australia | 4.63 |
AT | Austria | 4.77 |
PT | Azores | |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 2.77 |
BS | Bahamas | |
BH | Bahrain | 4.24 |
BD | Bangladesh | |
ES | Balearic Islands | |
BB | Barbados | |
BY | Belarus | |
BE | Belgium | 4.77 |
BZ | Belize | |
BJ | Benin | |
BM | Bermuda | |
BT | Bhutan | |
BO | Bolivia | |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
BW | Botswana | |
BV | Bouvet Island | |
BR | Brazil | 4.25 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | |
VG | British Virgin Islands | |
BN | Brunei | |
BG | Bulgaria | |
BF | Burkina Faso | |
BI | Burundi | |
KH | Cambodia | |
CM | Cameroon | |
CA | Canada | 5.25 |
CV | Cape Verde | |
BQ | Caribbean Netherlands | |
KY | Cayman Islands | |
CF | Central African Republic | |
EA | Ceuta | |
TD | Chad | |
CL | Chile | 3.66 |
CN | China | 3.56 |
CX | Christmas Island | |
CC | Cocos Islands | |
CO | Colombia | 3.48 |
KM | Comoros | |
CG | Congo (Brazzaville) | |
CD | Congo (Kinshasa) | |
CK | Cook Islands | |
CR | Costa Rica | 3.91 |
CI | Côte d’Ivoire | |
HR | Croatia | 3.68 |
CU | Cuba | |
CW | Curaçao | |
CY | Cyprus | 4.77 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 3.97 |
DK | Denmark | |
DJ | Djibouti | |
DM | Dominica | |
DO | Dominican Republic | |
EC | Ecuador | |
EG | Egypt | 2.43 |
SV | El Salvador | |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | |
ER | Eritrea | |
EE | Estonia | 4.77 |
SZ | Eswatini | |
ET | Ethiopia | |
FK | Falkland Islands | |
FO | Faroe Islands | |
FJ | Fiji | |
FI | Finland | 4.77 |
FR | France | 4.77 |
GF | French Guiana | |
PF | French Polynesia | |
TF | French Southern Territories | |
GA | Gabon | |
GM | Gambia | |
GE | Georgia | |
DE | Germany | 4.77 |
GH | Ghana | |
GI | Gibraltar | |
GR | Greece | 4.77 |
GL | Greenland | |
GD | Grenada | |
GP | Guadeloupe | |
GU | Guam | |
GT | Guatemala | 3.36 |
GG | Guernsey | |
GN | Guinea | |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | |
GY | Guyana | |
HT | Haiti | |
HM | Heard and McDonald Islands | |
HN | Honduras | 3.62 |
HK | Hong Kong | 2.68 |
HU | Hungary | 2.65 |
IS | Iceland | |
IN | India | 2.39 |
ID | Indonesia | 2.34 |
IR | Iran | |
IQ | Iraq | |
IE | Ireland | 4.77 |
IM | Isle of Man | |
IL | Israel | 4.95 |
IT | Italy | 4.77 |
JM | Jamaica | |
JP | Japan | 2.83 |
JE | Jersey | |
JO | Jordan | 3.24 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 2.32 |
KE | Kenya | |
KI | Kiribati | |
XK | Kosovo | |
KW | Kuwait | 4.23 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | |
LA | Laos | |
LV | Latvia | 4.77 |
LB | Lebanon | 5.08 |
LS | Lesotho | |
LR | Liberia | |
LY | Libya | |
LI | Liechtenstein | |
LT | Lithuania | 4.77 |
LU | Luxembourg | 4.77 |
MO | Macau | |
MG | Madagascar | |
PT | Madeira | |
MW | Malawi | |
MY | Malaysia | 2.45 |
MV | Maldives | |
ML | Mali | |
MT | Malta | 4.77 |
MH | Marshall Islands | |
MQ | Martinique | |
MR | Mauritania | |
MU | Mauritius | |
YT | Mayotte | |
MX | Mexico | 3.43 |
FM | Micronesia | |
MD | Moldova | 3.11 |
MC | Monaco | 4.77 |
MN | Mongolia | |
ME | Montenegro | |
MS | Montserrat | |
MA | Morocco | |
MZ | Mozambique | |
MM | Myanmar | |
NA | Namibia | |
NR | Nauru | |
NP | Nepal | |
NL | Netherlands | 4.77 |
NC | New Caledonia | |
NZ | New Zealand | 4.43 |
NI | Nicaragua | 3.87 |
NE | Niger | |
NG | Nigeria | |
NU | Niue | |
NF | Norfolk Island | |
MK | North Macedonia | |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | |
NO | Norway | 6.26 |
OM | Oman | 3.69 |
PK | Pakistan | 3.16 |
PW | Palau | |
PS | Palestine | |
PA | Panama | |
PG | Papua New Guinea | |
PY | Paraguay | |
PE | Peru | 3.57 |
PH | Philippines | 2.75 |
PN | Pitcairn Islands | |
PL | Poland | 3.59 |
PT | Portugal | 4.77 |
PR | Puerto Rico | |
QA | Qatar | 3.57 |
RE | Réunion | |
RO | Romania | 2.28 |
RU | Russia * | 2.13 |
RW | Rwanda | |
WS | Samoa | |
SM | San Marino | 4.77 |
ST | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 4.53 |
SN | Senegal | |
RS | Serbia | |
SC | Seychelles | |
SL | Sierra Leone | |
SG | Singapore | 4.24 |
SX | Sint Maarten | |
SK | Slovakia | 4.77 |
SI | Slovenia | 4.77 |
SB | Solomon Islands | |
SO | Somalia | |
ZA | South Africa | 2.34 |
KR | South Korea | 3.5 |
SS | South Sudan | |
ES | Spain | 4.77 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 3.72 |
BL | St. Barthélemy | 4.77 |
SH | St. Helena | |
KN | St. Kitts and Nevis | |
LC | St. Lucia | |
MF | St. Martin | |
PM | St. Pierre and Miquelon | 4.77 |
VC | St. Vincent and Grenadines | |
SD | Sudan | |
SR | Suriname | |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | |
SE | Sweden | 5.59 |
CH | Switzerland | 6.71 |
TW | Taiwan | 2.51 |
TJ | Tajikistan | |
TZ | Tanzania | |
TH | Thailand | 3.5 |
TL | Timor-Leste | |
TG | Togo | |
TK | Tokelau | |
TO | Tonga | |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | |
TN | Tunisia | |
TR | Turkey | 2.68 |
TM | Turkmenistan | |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
TV | Tuvalu | |
UM | U.S. Outlying Islands | |
VI | U.S. Virgin Islands | |
UG | Uganda | |
UA | Ukraine | |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 4.9 |
GB | United Kingdom | 4.44 |
US | United States | 5.15 |
UY | Uruguay | 6.08 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | |
VU | Vanuatu | |
VA | Vatican City | 4.77 |
VE | Venezuela | 1.76 |
VN | Vietnam | 2.95 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | |
EH | Western Sahara | |
YE | Yemen | |
ZM | Zambia | |
ZW | Zimbabwe |
* Archive Data