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Application statuses


The app has been reviewed and accepted by the App Store. It is now available for users to download and use.

You can modify the app’s metadata, pricing, and availability. You cannot modify the app’s binary unless you submit a new version for review.

Pre-order Ready for Sale

The app is available for pre-order and will be released for sale on a specified date.

You can update the app’s metadata, pricing, and availability. You cannot modify the app’s binary unless you submit a new version for review.

Developer Removed from Sale

The app has been removed from the App Store by the developer. It is no longer available for users to download or purchase.

You can modify the app’s metadata, pricing, and availability. You cannot modify the app’s binary unless you submit a new version for review.

Developer Rejected

The developer has rejected the app submission, likely due to issues that need to be addressed before resubmitting.

You can modify all aspects of the app, including metadata, pricing, availability, and binary. You will need to address the issues and resubmit the app for review.

In Review

The app has been submitted for review and is currently being evaluated by the App Store review team.

You cannot modify the app’s metadata, pricing, availability, or binary while it’s under review. If you need to make changes, you can request to remove the app from review, make the necessary changes, and resubmit.

Invalid Binary

The binary file submitted with the app is invalid or corrupted, and the developer needs to fix the issue and resubmit.

You can modify all aspects of the app, including metadata, pricing, availability, and binary. You will need to fix the binary issues and resubmit the app for review.

Metadata Rejected

The app’s metadata, such as the app description, screenshots, or keywords, has been rejected by the App Store review team. The developer needs to address the issues and resubmit.

You can modify the app’s metadata, but you cannot modify the app’s binary, pricing, or availability. You will need to address the metadata issues and resubmit the app for review.

Pending Apple Release

The app has been approved by the App Store review team but is waiting for Apple to release it, possibly due to a scheduled release date or other factors.

You cannot modify the app’s metadata, pricing, availability, or binary while it’s pending Apple release.

Pending Contract

The app is awaiting the completion of a contract between the developer and Apple, such as a paid app agreement or other legal documents.

You can modify the app’s metadata, but you cannot modify the app’s binary, pricing, or availability until the contract is resolved.

Pending Developer Release

The app has been approved by the App Store review team but is waiting for the developer to release it manually.

You can modify the app’s metadata, pricing, and availability. You cannot modify the app’s binary unless you submit a new version for review.

Prepare for Submission

The app has been created in the App Store Connect portal, but the developer has not yet submitted it for review.

You can modify all aspects of the app, including metadata, pricing, availability, and binary. You will need to complete the submission and submit the app for review.

Processing for App Store

The app is being processed and prepared for availability on the App Store, including tasks such as encryption and code signing.

You cannot modify the app’s metadata, pricing, availability, or binary while it’s being processed for the App Store.

Ready for Review

The app submission is complete, and the developer can submit it for review by the App Store review team.

You can modify all aspects of the app, including metadata, pricing, availability, and binary. You will need to submit the app for review.


The app has been reviewed and rejected by the App Store review team due to issues such as policy violations, bugs, or other problems. The developer needs to address the issues and resubmit.

You can modify all aspects of the app, including metadata, pricing, availability, and binary. You will need to address the issues and resubmit the app for review.

Removed from Sale

The app has been removed from the App Store, either by Apple or the developer, and is no longer available for users to download or purchase.

You can modify the app’s metadata, pricing, and availability. You cannot modify the app’s binary unless you submit a new version for review.

Waiting for Export Compliance

The app is awaiting approval for export compliance, which ensures that the app complies with international trade regulations.

You can modify the app’s metadata, but you cannot modify the app’s binary, pricing, or availability until the export compliance approval is obtained.

Waiting for Review

The app has been submitted and is in the queue for review by the App Store review team.

You cannot modify the app’s metadata, pricing, availability, or binary while it’s waiting for review. If you need to make changes, you can request to remove the app from review, make the necessary changes, and resubmit.


Possible transitions between the App Store application statuses:

Prepare for Submission → Ready for Review: After completing the app’s metadata, binary, pricing, and availability, submit the app for review.

Ready for Review → In Review: The app is picked up by the App Store review team and is under evaluation.

In Review → Accepted: The app has been reviewed and accepted by the App Store review team and is now available to users.

In Review → Rejected: The app has been reviewed and rejected by the App Store review team due to issues such as policy violations, bugs, or other problems. The developer needs to address the issues and resubmit.

In Review → Metadata Rejected: The app’s metadata has been rejected by the App Store review team. The developer needs to address the issues and resubmit the app for review.

In Review → Invalid Binary: The binary file submitted with the app is invalid or corrupted. The developer needs to fix the issue and resubmit the app for review.

In Review → Pending Developer Release: The app has been approved by the App Store review team but is waiting for the developer to release it manually.

In Review → Pending Apple Release: The app has been approved by the App Store review team but is waiting for Apple to release it, possibly due to a scheduled release date or other factors.

In Review → Waiting for Export Compliance: The app is awaiting approval for export compliance, ensuring it complies with international trade regulations.

Rejected, Metadata Rejected, or Invalid Binary → Ready for Review: After addressing the issues that led to rejection, the developer resubmits the app for review.

Accepted → Developer Removed from Sale: The developer removes the app from the App Store, making it no longer available for users to download or purchase.

Accepted → Removed from Sale: The app is removed from the App Store, either by Apple or the developer, and is no longer available for users to download or purchase.

Accepted → Pending Contract: The app is awaiting the completion of a contract between the developer and Apple, such as a paid app agreement or other legal documents.

Accepted → Pre-order Ready for Sale: The app is available for pre-order and will be released for sale on a specified date.

Helpful information

Understanding and managing your app’s status in the App Store is crucial for a successful app launch and maintenance. Keep track of the status changes and respond promptly to any issues or feedback to ensure a smooth experience for both you and your app’s users.

A few more points to consider about App Store application statuses:

Importance of App Store Guidelines

Always review and adhere to the App Store Guidelines before submitting your app. This can help reduce the chances of your app being rejected during the review process.

App Review Times

The duration of the review process may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the app, the volume of apps in the review queue, and other factors. However, most apps are reviewed within 24 to 48 hours.

Expedited Reviews

In certain circumstances, such as when a critical bug fix is required, you may request an expedited review. Apple may prioritize your app’s review based on the urgency of the situation, but there is no guarantee.

Resolving Issues

If your app is rejected or its metadata is rejected, carefully read the feedback provided by the App Store review team. Address the issues mentioned in their feedback, and make sure to double-check the App Store Guidelines before resubmitting the app for review.

Communication with the Review Team

If you have any questions or need clarification regarding the review process or feedback, you can communicate with the App Store review team through the Resolution Center in App Store Connect or request call.

Version Updates

When submitting updates to your app, you will need to go through the review process again. Make sure to thoroughly test your app for any issues before submitting updates to ensure a smooth review process.

Phased Releases

When releasing an app update, you can choose to roll it out using a phased release. This allows you to release the update gradually over a 7-day period, letting you monitor the update’s impact and pause or resume the rollout as needed.

Transfer of App Ownership

If you need to transfer the ownership of an app to another developer, you can use the App Transfer feature in App Store Connect. The app’s status and review history will be transferred to the new developer.