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Keyword Analysis: Competitor Insights for App Store

“Keywords: Competitors” helps analyze the keywords of all your competitors in the App Store.

Competitors Keywords Competitors Keywords

Getting Started:

  • Add Applications to the Competitor List.
  • Navigate to the Keywords: Competitors page.
  • You can select a country to explore the keywords popular in a specific market.
  • You can also compare data across different dates to observe how keyword rankings change over time.
  • The position determines how far into the search results keyword data will be collected for all selected competitors.

The bookmark icon next to a keyword: adds the keyword to the tracking list.
The bookmark icon next to an app: adds or removes the app from the competitor list.
The lightbulb icon: shows the number of keyword suggestions, and clicking the icon reveals all recommendations for the keyword.

The column with your app is highlighted in the table.
The number of apps for a keyword is displayed in the “Σ” column – “Number of Apps.”
The total number of keywords for each app is displayed in the table footer.

The popularity of a keyword in the country is displayed in the “Search Ads Popularity” column.
Hovering over provides additional details.


Each keyword in the table is highlighted in color based on your app’s metadata, considering Cross-localization:

  • Green: Keywords in the title
  • Orange: Keywords in the subtitle
  • Yellow: Keywords in the keywords field
  • Red: Missing ranking for keywords

Under each keyword in a language unfamiliar to you, a machine translation is displayed.

Keywords: Search Apps

The chart button next to each keyword opens a window with search results for the keyword in the selected country.