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ASO Check

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Quickly assess the quality of app's ASO performance based on Cross-localization rules Quickly assess the quality of app's ASO performance based on Cross-localization rules

The ASO Check feature provides an evaluation of selected app’s ASO performance across all 39 locales available in the App Store.
It displays how well app’s metadata (titles and subtitles) covers each localization, helping you assess the app’s visibility and optimization on a global scale.

The ASO Check feature is accessible through the App Info screen and from side menu.

Simply select the app you want to analyze, and the ASO Check will show the number of unique titles and subtitles across all 39 locales.

Each card displays title, subtitle, and rating for each locale, allowing you to quickly identify areas where selected app’s metadata may need improvement.

Additionally, ASO Check presents a keyword ranking distribution chart (Top 1, Top 5, Top 10, etc.) across all countries and each of the 39 primary App Store locales, providing you with a complete overview of the selected app’s ASO effectiveness in every market.