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App Info Preview

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Preview in App Store Connect with core metrics Preview in App Store Connect with core metrics allows you to access detailed information about any app in App Store Connect.

Simply fill in the app link or app ID, select the country and locale for that country (for app preview on iPhone), or open it through the Top, Top by keyword or competitors’ screen directly.

It’s allows you to track your competitors’ app listings, including their keyword rankings, reviews, and ratings. This helps you understand their strategies and find ways to differentiate your app.

The app’s primary information is displayed, including the app title, subtitle, and icon.

It shows:

  • Ranking position: The app’s ranking position in the App Store.
  • App Preview on iPhone: View how the app appears on an iPhone.
  • Title and Subtitle Length: Indicators for the length of the title and subtitle, ensuring they are within the optimal character limits (up to 30 characters).
  • Screenshot and Video Preview Counters: Counters for the number of screenshots and video previews included in the app listing, helping you manage and optimize your visual content.
  • Position in Category: Displays the app’s ranking within its category.
  • Ratings and Reviews Counters: Displays the number of ratings and reviews the app has received, ensuring that apps ratings is greater than 4.4. Reviews must be answered by the developer, with a counter showing the number of unanswered reviews.
  • App Reviews: You can read all reviews for the selected country, download them to Excel, and see the status of each review as answered or unanswered.
  • Last Update Information: The date of the last update is shown, emphasizing the importance of regular updates (recommended once a month) to maintain app performance and relevance.
  • File Size: Information on the current file size of the app update, ensuring it remains below the recommended 100 MB for optimal user experience.
  • Web site: The app’s website is displayed, allowing users to access additional information and resources.
  • Featured Reviews: Highlights selected reviews for the app.
  • Release Notes: View all release notes for the app.
  • Competitor’s List: Displays a list of competitors from the App Store section “People also install this app”. Showing their ratings, review counts, and keyword rankings.

There is also a button for quick access to the Spy screen.

This information helps you understand the competitive landscape and refine your strategy accordingly.